Art-Gallery On-line Presents Great Bulgarian Contemporary Professional Artists:
Rumyanka Bozhkova
The painter Rumyanka Bozhkova – Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Architecture and Design, Sofia.
The author is the owner of two international patents for inventions and pictorial technologies. Her works are owned by prestigious Bulgarian and international museums, galleries, foundations and private collections. Read more …
Angelina Nedin
The painter Angelina Nedin is graduated as a master of painting at the National Academy of Arts” Nikolay Pavlovich “- Sofia in the studio of Prof. Valentin Kolev and Prof. Bojidar Boyadjiev.
The author is part of Permanent exposition in Architectural and Historical Complex “South Fortress and Tower” Sozopol – beginning 2008.Her paintings are part of international exhibitions and private collections.Read More…